No-shop July Challenge

If you read the title of this post (and I’m assuming you have), you can probably deduce the entire idea of what this is about.

No shopping in July.

You read it right the first time, trust me.

Let me explain.

I love shopping. Absolutely LOVE it. But, every now and again, it gets to be the only thing I think about or do with my spare time. Anyone else fill up their online shopping cart with a bunch of stuff that you want without purchasing it? That’s me! So, in order to take a break, breathe a little, and focus on being content with what I do have (and take stock of my wardrobe), I’ve decided to take July off from shopping.

Before I go any further, let me clarify something. When I say no-shop July, I am talking clothing, shoes, and makeup, because to me, those are the items I typically want to spend my money on. For you, it might be something completely different.

Now, I understand the entire reason I created this blog was because I like shopping, fashion, and beauty and it seems counter intuitive to write a post encouraging people not to shop, but, I also want to be honest with myself and my limitations as well as create an environment that is real. Student loans and expenses are real life and they don’t go away (sadly).

So for this month of July, I’m making it my goal to not shop, take a new look at my wardrobe, and come up with fun new looks from existing pieces.

Let me know what you’d like to see on the blog and if you’ll join me in no-shop July! #noshopJuly

  1. Joyce Jackowski

    June 27, 2018 at 10:01 pm

    Cool. And maybe challenge yourself to pick up another habit that costs nothing like hiking. How about a 5K on July 4th to get started?

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